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  • Entangled Religions
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  • ETHICS, ECONOMICS, LAW AND POLITICS – Online journal for interdisciplinary discussions on current societal issues
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  • Fremdsprachen und Hochschule
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  • GA2
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  • HARM – Journal of Hostility, Aggression, Repression and Malice
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  • IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
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  • IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology
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  • Journal for Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German
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  • Journal of Didactics of Philosophy
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  • Kunstgeschichte und Zeitgenossenschaft
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  • MARE NOSTRUM. Studentische Beiträge zur Mediterranistik
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  • Moving the Social
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  • PeriodIcon
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  • Philosophy and the Mind Sciences
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  • RUB Research School Event Proceedings
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  • The International Newsletter of Communist Studies
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  • Zeitschrift für Katalanistik / German Journal for Catalan Studies
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  • Zeitschrift für Mittelmeerstudien
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  • Journal of the Linguistic Society of Germany
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  • Book - Material - Text
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  • International Conference on Stone and Concrete Machining (ICSCM)
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  • Ethnographies of Objects in Science and Technology Studies
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